Jul 6, 2010

god bless this child that's got his own

Living in Atlanta makes me proud to be black... TheRe is so much  
culture and pride here.. I wish we took advantage of it more, appreciated it more... My husband and I recently had a discussion about the way we want to raise McLovey and the environment that we
believe would be in her best interest... I am finding that i am conflicted about what "the best" really means... For instance- It is extremely important to us that she sees people in power roles that look like her... For the initial stages of her life this will be her teachers, doctors, friend's parents,etc... My hubby grew up in indiana and never shared my experience of having a black principal and was taught by a total of probably 3 black teachers his whole life... His dentist and doctor were white... I on the other hand saw people, who
looked like me, in these roles of power (especially to a child) everyday,  and grew up knowing that it was possible for me to be in charge of a school, practice, etc... I think that the reoccurance of these positive influences made me love my race and pursue advancement

But these positive reflections did not mean that I recieved
the best education or services.. (apparently all teachers, on all levels have to have a 
masters degree in Indiana)... I witnessed more student violence and had less in-school resources than my hubby... But more importantly I had fewer interaction, experiences, or friendships
with people outside of my race than my hubby... When I say more importantly I dont mean that it is better to have white friends than black, but what I do believe is that having a diverse circles makes a diverse mind and experience...  Furthermore is it our 
social networks and thier sphere of influence that effect our adult lives the most... If the good'ol boys system is still working then she is going to need to more than jaime..  Hmmm so what's a mom to do... How do I give her the best of this
world... How do I make sure that she is generous to homeless but doesn't have to see them on thier way home.. How do I make sure they  have 
black pride and love for all mankind... How do I make sure she  has the best possible education, from schools with fully functioning  resources, teachers that are not only qualified but love what they do, and the experiences with a variety of peers to prepare her for future, real world interact... Momma said there would be days like this when
all u could do was to think about how I just want the best for my child

Ps... 6/24 I witnessed mck push up and roll over

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Unknown on July 7, 2010 at 3:11 PM said...

That is always a dilemma. I had the best of both worlds but it definitely shaped my view on the world. It is our duty as parents to instill our culture in our children but it us also our job not to negate or even dismiss the existence of other cultures and their contribution to the world. That is why we are moving. I want Ma'at to be exposed to diversity and get the kind of education that utilizes retention and not the kind that is gratification. GOOD LUCK!!!

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