Oct 23, 2009

"Let's Get Physical, Physical.....I Wanna Get..."

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I wrote this entire blog 90mins ago but my computer had a brain fart and lost it…. So let me try it again… please forgive if some of the original flavor was lost…

anyways the last 10 days have been great… we took a walk in the park and witnessed a mixed culture wedding that made me cry…we celebrated week 22 of prego-ness in the baby’s new cleared out bedroom after selling all of the old furniture on craig’s list…I went to the movies to see two new, excellent black cinema flicks… which means I am now able to stay awake past 9 pm without turning into a pumpkin… Taraji’s hair was the freaking bomb but unfortunately Chris Rock made me want to protest my perm and burn my weaves… I mean I am thinking about going natural just so I can look my daughter in her eyes one day and say “baby your hair is beautiful naturally.. just the way God made it”… plus I visited a few of my students at their colleges.. this means that I am now able to go out of town & back in a car without vomiting or falling asleep.. it was so great seeing my students fulfilling the academic dream… but let me just say that Baby Best might have it a little tough… all this practice with youth is making me very sharp… can’t get nothin’ past me, boo…

So physically I have been feeling just perfect… I am loving my new big belly and my new nipple-look-alike belly button… plus the bonus of no longer being afraid of physical intimacy has now freed me to enjoy life again!!! So life is good and being prego is fun… wait wait wait.. there was last night when I had horrible heartburn… I mean it was so bad I thought my eardrums were sweating and that my chest was going to explode… my hubby had to be on back-patting duty for 30 minutes until I burped out enough acid to go back to sleep… but other than that I’ve been fine… wait, well, oh yeah, I did have to go to the hospital…

The hospital… THE HOSPITAL… the hospital… WHAT??? Yes it is true, after 36 hours of excruciating, unfamiliar pain, I broke down and went to the hospital... the freaking arch-nemesis to my commitment to the world of natural living… but the pain was so strong, so frequent, so weird, I had to make sure all was well… not with me so much but with my precious cargo… plus, it hurt so bad I could not cry, my hubby kept asking me all these questions and singing/praying all loud, and I could not find the symptoms in any of the three thousand pregnancy books we have beside our bed… so I went to the hospital.. “dun, dun dun dun”… that is the scary dilemma music… I was being sucked into the world of social norms… I mean the pepto pink colored walls weren’t that bad after all... and the nurse was really nice… plus the sound of my perfect baby girl’s heart beating, feet kicking, and hands punching was hypnotizing me… and to top it off they showed me an ultra-sound and I could see her cute face hide and her body jump from the hiccups… awwww it was the sweetest site ever… perhaps I could learn to love this remote control bed…

But I snapped out of the delusion when the nurse came in to tell me that all the tests were normal and Baby Best was super great… and then she handed me a pain medicine that I had to take right then because I was unable to take it out of the hospital because it was a narcotic… A NarCotic… WHAT??? My hubby said that I instantly sprang up out of pain-curl position and said “get that shit out of here!!” lolololoolol I didn’t say that of course but I did ask for a Tylenol instead… I swallowed one and hid the other pill under the covers like the James Caan character in the 90’s flick Misery… then I hobbled myself out of there… came home and just thugged it out, embraced the growth

After researching the internet, I realized that my attempts to handle prego-ness like I an all-American White housewife, minus the cute dog, backfired on me… turns out that exercising 4 days in a row was good for the body but came at a high price… yep, the total was a full serving of pain – and the copay from me visiting the hospital of course.. it appears that I was just having round ligament pain… umm yep that’s right round ligament pain… I didn’t even know I had round ligaments… I thought they were all straight and rectangle-ish.. but it appears that my uterus is using the ligaments that surround it to bully my organs out of the way in order to make more room for Baby Best.. well it seems that the muscles/ligaments that have been holding my organs for the last 28yrs were like “hold up wait a minute” … this sparked a terrible internal conflict which caused me serious PAIN… but after another day of rest I was A-okay… and home is now more than ever where my heart is and where my baby girl will be born….

Oct 6, 2009

happy happy, joy joy 1/2 way there..

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soooo many cute things for my little girl catches my eyes everytime i walk into any retail store... awwwwww this is going to be so much fun... i have a brand new fondness of other people's children in stores and restaurants too... like all of a sudden i notice the sweetness of Father's embraces or Mommy's looks... i see the adorable pigtails and hear the funny giggles... it is so touching

the last two weeks has been the best yet... baby best is moving and grooving... i actually have been walking and working out in the water... i try to run to the pool and jump in the water quick because lets just say i cant see my feet or my cha-cha to do any special grooming... plus i gained 4lbs this month which means i am no longer a food hater and can eat... and best of all I LiKE MY HusBAND again... like he has been looking so hot to me and i love having him around... this is so good because i was really worried last month that i might frown at him forever lol!!

omg and i must admit i love all the attention now... like i love that my body i no longer a indeterminable round but officially pregnant... i get extra smiles, passes to the front of the line, and pleasant nods from strangers..

finally happy 20th week of living my sweet baby girl... you have been doing such a great job growing and stretching, fully developing and being the best baby ever... you are half way to our arms and all the way in our hearts... keep up the good work see you in 20 more weeks

Oct 2, 2009

Uncensored Sidenote To enemy - "I'm a soldier"

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Are you out of your mind satan... Dont u ever let my child's name come out of your lying mouth... God decides her destiny and He has declared that she is perfectly and wonderfully made.. the apple of His eye, hidden in His wings...BLESSED (Psalm 139:14, 17:8, Deut 28:4)... you have absolutely no power over anything in my life... you have no right to make any claim about her... let me remind you liar of a couple of truths... #1 this baby was set apart for this perfect time to be born out of a Godly love and covenant between my husband and I, #2 she ain't no cheap chick, for her life was purchased with the priceless blood of Jesus, and #3 remember you got fired from your position, kicked out, and then replaced by someone better for the job when God made me in His image... dont be jealous now that i do your past job of worshipping the living King better than you ever could do... wow I love singing praises to His name, God says that when I open my mouth to worship it is a sweet sound in His ear a beautiful fragance in His nostrils... that is why last night i ignored your negative rumors, wiped my tears, then spit and laughed in your face by WORSHIPPING my mighty God!

so please know that I have the authority to move mountains, proclaim life, and YES whip your lying ass... oh but you should remember what it is like to loose fights huh.. cause for three days MY Jesus beat you down for even trying to act like you had power over Him or His children... so shut the hell up liar... your voice annoys me like the bark of a unwanted mangy dog... note what happened to Old Yeller when he TRIED to buck up, act bad, and threaten the boys beloved family - he shot him dead... so DIE you lying dog... I think i will put on a Micheal Vick shirt today just to show my full support of removing useless dogs like yourself from the earth...

This is NOT the fight that you want, because I WILL WIN!!! What is written about me in God's word is not a joke... I AM A BAD GIRL... All authority (all power of rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me...I am strong and courageous... FEARLESSLY filled with power, love, and a sound mind... dressed in the whole armor of God which includes the shield of faith which STOPS the evil fiery arrows... No one will be able to stand up against ME all the days of MY life...the enemies who rise up against me will be defeated before me. They will come at me from one direction but flee from me in seven... (Matt 28, Deut 28, Josh 1, Tim 1, Eph 6) I think you get the idea you lying serpent spirit... but just in case you need a visual check out this video...punk your big roar means nothing when you try to attack my baby... in full confidence I GET REAL HOOD and me plus all my bold believing friends return in the unity of the Lord to whip your ass AGAIN!!! [in Jesus name of course :)]watch and understand
