Jun 9, 2010

i never knew there was a...

love like this before...

what a blessing it is to be a mommy... sometimes i get lost in my daughter's eyes...  i realize that she is a product of love, grown in my body, fed by breast, comforted by my arms and then i am overwhelmed with gratefulness... thank you God for this opportunity to be a mom... it's an opportunity that i pushed back on my priority list to enjoy time with my new hubby, work on my career, get an additional degree... but if i knew that it was going to be this great i would have got knocked up on my honeymoon...

 the Saturday before Mother's Day, after a fun bath time, as i was trying to get the diaper on pass her flailing legs and sleepy whimper, i carelessly said "dont cry baby... i  your mommy"...  wow I AM HER MOMMY... i grabbed her in my arms and for a second forgot about the time, or our nightly bedtime routine, or how tired or hungry i was... i hugged her tight and told her how very proud i was to be her mommy... how i want the very best for her... how if she ever gets the choice to sit it out or dance than i hope she dances... as she stopped crying tears began to run down my face... what an honor and a blessing to be called a mother...  on the eve of the first day that society celebrates me being a mom, i waltzed around the room celebrating what this child has made me.... a mom...

i think that i am beginning to know why momma bears attack, momma lions caress, and my momma smiles... cause there is nothing like the love a momma has for their child... sigh she is just the best...  the next day, my first mother's day, i took extra time, not on my hair or make-up, but on my little one - making sure that she was extra cute cause every time someone said those special three words to me that day i poked my chest out proudly and  focus my eyes on my baby girl... on this mother's day she was my favorite gift, prized possession, my priceless jewel...
my hubby gave me all my sunday favorites this day.... pretty flowers, a cheesesteak and wings, carrot cake, and a nap on the sofa while watching the sports game on tv

its a month later, my first mothers day has come and gone, and i just relived this entire moment over again tonight during bath time... and it felt brand new... just as sweet as the first time.. 
i can get use to a love like this :)

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