Apr 16, 2010

on my own, once again...

who knew that leaving the house would be such a major ordeal... this week my baby turned six weeks old and i turned into a super mom... ok well a super mom in my head at least... i hyped myself up and decided that this week i would leave my bubble and venture out into the world, on my own again... now let me just inform you that i had not driven my car in the last six weeks... i mean for the few times we actually left the house i was the resident driving miss daisy, stationed in the back seat, watching the baby's every move... but my sweet baby and i could not be home bodies forever... we need vitamin d and social interactions other than facebook... and plus i see moms all the time out and about... shoot i can do this...

anyway so i came up with a plan to leave the house...  you gotta be real strategic about a task like this...  the goal is to leave the house without any emotional breakdowns from me or baby... i need to make sure the bag has all the tools needed to handle any random drama and normal baby needs.. (at least i didnt have to worry about packing any bottles cause i am still her human fast food chain...) but hmmm should i put her in her seat first or her seat in the car first...  and let me just say that you gotta be darn near a body builder to carry all this baby stuff... i mean u should see me leaning over like i am in need of a huge V8 trying to carry her, in the car seat, with the diaper bag...

finally we made it on the road... let us all pause and scream.... what the hell is wrong with these drivers... switching lanes without notice, driving like nascar speedsters... dont they know that i have precious cargo on board... ok i had to constantly calm myself down, and convince myself not just to turn around and go back to my safe home...

so we made it to Ross.. i love Ross, something for everyone, mainly me... i needed a couple of new things for the spring that were not maternity but can still hide the remaining evidence of my baby bump...  i get the baby out of the car and inside the store... but now another obstacle... how do i put this car seat on the buggy... after a few minutes of trying and praying that another mom would walk into the store and i could spy on her skills, the security guard came over and helped me... hehehehe, ok now time to shop... the baby was sleep and i was relaxed... this was short lived cause while strolling through the aisle i i run into a former co-worker who asks me the two worst things that you can ever ask a new mom... #1 "have u had the baby yet" and #2 "he is so cute"... what!!! you gotta be kidding me, sure i have a few more pounds to loose but the last time you saw me i was as big as a house  plus my baby is the most girly baby in the land... besides her super delicate, feminine face -she was in pink from head to toe... so you cant be serious.... sigh let me fake smile and cut this convo short before i snap... so i move forward, push on, trying to stay focused on finding a new dress so that i dont think about all the germs and pollen that my new baby is inhaling... all of a sudden i felt my buggy come to a halt.. oh noooo, oh my gosh... when i peeped my head around the buggy i realized that i had just ran into a sweet old lady... after helping her and picking up the cloths off the floor i realized that my vertical challenges and the baby on top of the buggy was now a  safety hazard to others... plus once the shopping cart stopped moving my baby became hysterical... i mean turned red and loud... you know what that meant... time for me to go back home asap and rethink things...  hahahaha cute can turn real ugly, real quick

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