Feb 10, 2010

let's wait a while... before it's too late

okay so i had an epiphany this afternoon... after my morning whinings about due dates and ticking time.. i realized how ridiculously we are all fixed on time tables... i mean as girls we cant wait to wear make-up... so we rush and sneak the cheap stuff which turns our lips black... as teenagers we cant wait to be old enough to go to the club... so we dress up and sneak into the club and actually believe that the older guys are really into us and have no idea that we are under age...  i mean the list can go on and on... once we achieve our road race we add something else the the stop watch... cant wait to get out of school, cant wait to get married, cant wait to drive, cant wait to move out... and when we have the freedom to do, whatever we were rushing to do, we rarely do... i mean i only wear make-up on sundays or dates, i got out of school only to go back and probably will go back again, paying bills is no fun, and now i have to pay extra to have someone chauffeur me around the city like my parents did for free... hurrying up is not worth it at all...

i mean i will never be pregnant with my first baby ever again... i will never feel her stretch out inside me again...  we will never be physically connected as one ever again... my family will never just be my hubby and i again... i will never have these moments or this exact precious process ever again.. wow why not savor the moment huh... moments that i can never get back and that some would pay for the chance to experience...  moments that will be over soon enough and replaced by new to do's... how many other times in my life will i get to be surprised by the birth of my baby (hopefully 3 more times but that is not the point)...  how many other times will time be out of my hand and control... furthermore not really even important... i will never have this sweet time back

sorry Lord and baby for being impatient... good things come to those who wait... so i will wait with joy... enjoying being a human incubator for a few more days...

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