Feb 25, 2010

Don’t sweat the small stuff! (by Husband)

That’s what the wisest of women said to me this morning. My grandmother rolled out stories of a true lifetime that helped put my little woes into perspective. Don’t. Sweat. The Small. Stuff. Okay! That’s my new motto! In Bible Study last week, my Pastor told me specifically to not focus on the drab, grey skies behind it, but on the sun which illuminates the grey bodies that glide across the horizon. Okay, so it was my dramatic interpretation of what she said, but every blog needs a little Hollywood magic in it from time to time. Or maybe just mine do. My wife’s sweet words are always so transparent, so purposely un-punctuated to emphasize the unplugged nature of her confession, that it’s hard to rival on a blog that we share. She can make the simplest of moments magic. But I digress.

Okay world, today, I’m taking these words to heart, from a young woman and a sage grandmother, I’m taking these words to heart. And guess what that means for me, since I’m applying these words to my life today? Well, I’ll end with a joke to fill you in. One day, a man realizes his temperament is far too short. So he prays, “Lord, please grant me patience.” So the following day, he goes to the grocery store and gets stuck in the longest line ever. Every line he jumped to ended up taking longer than the line he left. After 40 minutes of hearing the scan sounds of other people’s groceries, he finally put his melted ice cream and other goods on the counter. And then He hears God’s voice softly say, “You’re welcome.”  I won’t sweat the small stuff, so small stuff, bring it on!

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