Oct 2, 2009

Uncensored Sidenote To enemy - "I'm a soldier"

Are you out of your mind satan... Dont u ever let my child's name come out of your lying mouth... God decides her destiny and He has declared that she is perfectly and wonderfully made.. the apple of His eye, hidden in His wings...BLESSED (Psalm 139:14, 17:8, Deut 28:4)... you have absolutely no power over anything in my life... you have no right to make any claim about her... let me remind you liar of a couple of truths... #1 this baby was set apart for this perfect time to be born out of a Godly love and covenant between my husband and I, #2 she ain't no cheap chick, for her life was purchased with the priceless blood of Jesus, and #3 remember you got fired from your position, kicked out, and then replaced by someone better for the job when God made me in His image... dont be jealous now that i do your past job of worshipping the living King better than you ever could do... wow I love singing praises to His name, God says that when I open my mouth to worship it is a sweet sound in His ear a beautiful fragance in His nostrils... that is why last night i ignored your negative rumors, wiped my tears, then spit and laughed in your face by WORSHIPPING my mighty God!

so please know that I have the authority to move mountains, proclaim life, and YES whip your lying ass... oh but you should remember what it is like to loose fights huh.. cause for three days MY Jesus beat you down for even trying to act like you had power over Him or His children... so shut the hell up liar... your voice annoys me like the bark of a unwanted mangy dog... note what happened to Old Yeller when he TRIED to buck up, act bad, and threaten the boys beloved family - he shot him dead... so DIE you lying dog... I think i will put on a Micheal Vick shirt today just to show my full support of removing useless dogs like yourself from the earth...

This is NOT the fight that you want, because I WILL WIN!!! What is written about me in God's word is not a joke... I AM A BAD GIRL... All authority (all power of rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me...I am strong and courageous... FEARLESSLY filled with power, love, and a sound mind... dressed in the whole armor of God which includes the shield of faith which STOPS the evil fiery arrows... No one will be able to stand up against ME all the days of MY life...the enemies who rise up against me will be defeated before me. They will come at me from one direction but flee from me in seven... (Matt 28, Deut 28, Josh 1, Tim 1, Eph 6) I think you get the idea you lying serpent spirit... but just in case you need a visual check out this video...punk your big roar means nothing when you try to attack my baby... in full confidence I GET REAL HOOD and me plus all my bold believing friends return in the unity of the Lord to whip your ass AGAIN!!! [in Jesus name of course :)]watch and understand


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