Nov 4, 2009

Can you tell me how to get...

did you watch Sesame Street when you were a kid... one of the few teaching songs that I remember from the show went like this... give me 5, give me 5, give me 1 2 3 4, but if you love me, more give me 5... this is the perfect song to represent this last month.. month 5 of pregnancy has been a blast... thank you lord... I have been enjoying being married and pregnant soooo much... I love my ever-growing belly... showing it off is so much cool... and my baby girl is so much fun... I am convinced she knows what time her daddy leaves and returns from work and is always ready for a game of patty-cake or tag with him... his head on my lap as he bonds with his little girl is soooo precious... ( but I have to stop the game after about 15mins because, unlike my hubby, I can feel all those love taps in my belly, she is strong) anyway get ready world cause I think she is going to be amazing... oh and I have proof... recently she has been practicing her gymnastics, African dance, and abstract water sculpting daily in my belly... unfortunately for me her rehearsal schedule happens right at the peak of my bed time... lol... i'm telling you, God knew that it would take us the whole 9 months to become self-less enough to be a parent.. I found myself, at 4am, begging this 24 week old girl genius to please chill out so I could go to sleep... but like her father, she seemed to be committed to completing the masterpiece she was working on... so after plenty of tossing and turning, praying and reading the word, and trying to spark a convo with my cationic hubby, I surrendered to her movement... I decided that 5 to 7am was a is a perfect time for a mother/daughter moment... so we went downstairs for cereal and a foreign movie... lol I love her so much and she makes me smile...

wow life is such an ever changing portrait... I love posing for it but think that candid shots are the best... you know the times life catches you in a surprise spot... without your best face on or prepared look.. it is in these life shots that you see the real you.. and can really measure your beauty... recently my hubby and I have been in this place where surprise snaps are flashing all around us... we are having to make some really grown up decisions about our future... it is kinda fun/exciting and kinda nerve wrecking since our choices now include baby best... we want nothing less than what is best for her and know that it is the actions that we do that affect her... ummmm I guess this is what makes parenting a promotion of joy and responsibility...

ps it is only 16 weeks to go... that means I have 112 days to work out enough to make my body a candidate for a quick and easy home delivery... ok so this means more walking and some non-yogi yoga... and some individual water aerobics since my class is over.. plus, most of all increase of prayer and positive reading to boost confidence...
pss welcome Fall... i cant see my feet anymore
psss oh yea and here is a follow up to my entry to the enemy...
I am pleased to say that she, our little girl - baby best, is PERFECT... all issues that the docs were concerned with were gone when we went in for the follow-up visit... the doc said " absolutely nothing to worry about except the Atl Braves and the weather but not our baby, SHE IS FINE"... all of her test came back above normal and she is developing in the highest percentile category...WOOOOO HOOO Thanks GoD... war in prayer works!!!

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